لتلبية رغبة خطيبها قامت بانقاص وزنها
لدرجة لا تصدق شاهد الصور والمقال

When you put the human in front of a particular goal and seeks to whatever God gave him the strength can be up to him, especially if used persistence and determination inherent within Loki up everything you want to have to put your goal in front of your eye always Ki motivate yourself and stay away from anything or anyone discourage your hopes the dreams and tried to get closer to the people who Aahnuk always a positive note was a girl, weighing more than 140 kg, and she can not control herself in front of the food and you're a prima eat too much until he arrived weighing 150 kg and this girl was betrothed asked her fiance to try to reduce fruit it will become a weight is ideal if you refrained from eating gradually and also practiced sports in order to spur on that he told her that if she lost weight will become the most beautiful actress Angelina Jolie, and that he would love her more because their shape will change 180 degrees if you have done it and lost half her weight and will make sure of her love him if I did it for him and has already responded to his fiancee to his words and his advice and became the subject for her challenged them and him and reduced off and moved away from the food, which helps to increase the fat and eat food, which helps to reduce weight and already during the 7 months only lost more than half her weight and became weighing 70 kilogram and only became as already told her fiance beautiful than Angelina Jolie, and this is the picture the girl and weight plus very more than 150 kilos and images after it became weighing 70 kg
Photos girl and weighs 150 kg by weight decrease