
هكذا يتجسس الفيسبوك عليك كل يوم

تجدون في هذا الموضوع كيفية تجسس موقع التواصل الاجتماعي

 على منخرطين داخله

Certainly each of us has an account on Facebook and on the transfer of social networking sites in general, but everyone does not know that some of these
Using sophisticated eavesdropping techniques and easy at the same time which is a Share button or share
Recent studies have proved was conducted by researchers at the World Wide Web it is possible for any site of networking sites that Atsnt you through a sophisticated technique called canvas fingerprintin
And allow Ba eavesdrop on any person without his knowledge and use of this additive in several codes operate automatically to bring information about the user and the data include Dora the Explorer from Dharv this Altgueniha include data from the monitor settings and browser type and font type and graphics cards used for computer and can easily obtain information on a regular basis does not break it hard to say for sure that the site Maitsnt on its members because it does not contain this technique.

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