قصة مؤثرة جدا لفتاة ماتت و عندما ارادو تغسيلها رفضت سبعة نساء تغسيلها
Then initiated washed Votabna washed tired severe, and when I finished I went to knock on the door and I call them Open Door Open
I've Covent Mataatkm and stayed on this case is nothing short period after they opened the door and went out to the outside was conducted
House did not ask for the same reason that made this scene, after he promised to remain bedridden
For three days the family did close the door and then approached the frightening scene sheikh
I told him what happened and he said to them leverage Osalehm about the reason for the closure of the door and the case that it was their daughter.
So I went and told them
God, I ask you two questions, the first: why Oglqtwa the door? The second: What was it Bntekm?
Faqalo: You have closed
The door because we brought seven When you refuse to see it Ngsilaa. The same was not pray at all.) God íÎáíßă guys. Oh, and then Ibnaaat Asalaaaaaaah Aaaaasalaaaaaah ĘßÝćä
God have mercy on us mercy Aaaarb
Nkhittkm guys and íÇČäÇĘ God God in prayer