حالة نادرة لمريض جميع الاطباء رفضو القيام له بالعملية
الا طبيب واحد وافق عليها
Fox News reported that patients suffering from increasing the size of the scrotum, the one with the testicles, to weigh up to more than 45 kg, which prevents the movement of more than 12 meters.
According to doctors, the patient, who has a 39-year-old suffering from a rare disease 5 years ago, which is a blockage of the lymph vessels in the scrotum, leading to accumulation of fluid and inflammation that cause the increase in size.
He says the patient, the doctors refused to perform the surgery completely only one doctor at the University of California is Professor Joel Ghliman professor of urology, who also conducted the previous surgery to the patient was the size of the scrotum has more than 59 kg.
He announced, "Gelman" that the surgery will take place on 28 Aug., and it takes nearly 12 hours, and are ready for the conduct of the present moment, and that the processing of the patient for surgery, which will cost a sum worthwhile were collected 27 thousand dollars from donors to help the patient