
السر السبب حقيقي لحزن احمد السقا في الصورة

صورة حزينة للممثل احمد السقا .. 

اذ تأثر السقا كثيرا بفقدانه لمثله الاعلى 

Did you know that picture Magsh and why it seems the artist Ahmed El Sakka sad in that picture, the picture was published on the published page Ahmed El Sakka personal on social networking site Facebook, which brought together more than two hundred thousand impressive in record time. 
And that image emblazoned star Ahmed El Sakka: Keep God: Prince of Egyptian cinema, Ahmed Ramzi Lord have mercy, it was Uday Lake I Hasepk mesh to the last moment, God's mercy you. "
It is worth mentioning that the artist Ahmed El Sakka is the son of director Salah Sakka and his grandfather is a Abdo Serugh singer, and had studied at the Arab Academy for the Arts, Ahmed El Sakka is married and has a child named Yassin, and his son, his name, and a third child named Hamza. 
Ahmed El Sakka graduated from the Higher Institute of Arts Almsrihah, then participated in small roles, and then to the championship. 
Tzu Ahmed El Sakka of "Maha small" It is one of girlfriends sister Fatima, was the wedding and the wedding on the seventeenth of November, 1999, and the couple had named Yassin was born, and a girl named Nadia, and another child named Hamza. 
Is the star Mohamed Salah El Din Ahmed El Sakka was born on March 1, 1973, any old 41 years old, was born in Cairo.

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