
سبب غياب مجموعة من الفنانين عن جنازة سعيد صالح

هذه هي اسباب غياب الفنانين واصدقاء سعيد صالح عن جنازة دفنه

India emerged Said Saleh, the daughter of the late star Saeed Saleh, silence, and clarified the reason for the absence of the artists whose funeral was buried yesterday from his hometown of Menoufia Governorate. 
India has refused to be accused of ignoring artists for the funeral, noting that it is not asked of the announcement of the date and place of the funeral in order to be buried as soon as her father. 
India said: "Mafish denial of artists .. I'm from I insisted on my father buried quickly without waiting for the news spread, even if you had waited Said Saleh will see the biggest artist of the funeral occurred in Egypt." 

She continued: "I appeal to all journalists and media not to exploit the death of my father to attack his colleagues and his family second (artists) because de h displeased my father who was Perfd any word on the length of the artists of his life."

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