
شاب اراد خطبة فتاة فأعجبت والده


اراد خطبة فتاة جميلة اعجب بها .. فاقنع الابن الاب على ان يذهب لخطبتها له .. فكانت المفاجئة عندما اعجب بها الاب

Rumored that the boy said to his father, I want to marry a girl I've seen, have liked her beauty and charm of her eyes, replied a joy and delighted and said, Where are this girl ... even Okhdobaa you, son. When he went Laura Father this girl impressed by and said to his son, Hear My son, this girl is not one of your level and you are not suitable to have this Astahlha man of his experience in life and depend on it, like me, surprised the boy from the words of his father and told him both, but I Satzojha Iaaba not you, broken with and went to the police station to replace them with the problem and when the stump of the officer their story told them they brought the girl in order to ask her to want the boy or the father, and when he saw the officer and was impressed by her good looks and charm and told them this is not suitable for you, but good for an eminent person in the country like me and quarreled three and went Elly minister and when he saw the minister said this to Eyzugea non Minister like me and also Tkhasamua them until it came to the Prince of town and when he came to you, I will solve the problem brought the girl when he saw her, Prince said this Eyzugea non Amir argued all gay and then the girl said I've got the solution!! Will run and you Tercdon rear which catch me first, I'm a share and marry me and actually ran and ran five behind the young man and the father and the officer and the minister and the prince and suddenly they were running behind dropped five in a deep hole, and then looked at them the girl up and said: Do you know who I am? . I am the world!!! I started going back all the people who compete for their faith and having fun catching up with me so fall in the grave and will not win ......!

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