
اب جزائري يقتل ابنائه الثلاثة بسب سؤال غريب

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اب جزائري يقتل ابنائه الثلاثة بسب سؤال غريب

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What he has done Algerian man grieves the heart and brings tears to the eye, whether it is the result of disobedience to parents or what, God Asturna and Ahfezna.
A man brought his three children and asked them one question and then I will not kill them all incredible what this question ..? 

Where he killed them and why chickens ..! 
Ajnayat where a court sentenced to death in Algeria this man at the age of 40 years, has been on trial for Kill with deliberate premeditation because of a disagreement over the chicken. 
Back details of the crime to the last month of Ramadan, area Zitouna, where he was the culprit shots at members of his family and fled to the woods, and after that he was arrested consciousness, denied this and said that he had gone and then buy some things, and when the man to his house, he found his daughter are cooking "chicken" , and when Saha source hen, and where they came out, I told him that her brother is the one who bought it, he asked her to help him in the expenses of the house, to be employed, and that you buy chicken, too, responded consciousness, saying "You can not talk with my brothers male because they beat you, wroth very angry and slapped her on her face. 
So, two sons, "replete", "Abdul Haq" to intervene, and the Bmtardth Bahjarh, went E. room, and he brought the gun, and after his release, he found, "Abdul Haq," his son riding his car, fired by the bullets, and then fired caliber also Ay daughter "dear," and then directly taking his gun with him and fled E. jungle. 
Confessed the accused when questioning your those Atfasi, and all chilled nerves told the judge: Yes killed my son, Abdul Haq and daughter Aziza, "and denied he fled to the forest, and disappeared from sight for three days out of the liquidation of the family, especially his wife and his son, August, and admitted that he had burned Asearh which then spread the flames to the house.

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