
الطريقة الفعالة والسهلة لإزالة الرؤوس السوداء الموجودة فى الأنف 2014

اليكم احدث الطرق لإزالة الرؤوس السوداء الموجودة فى الأنف 

Blackheads of the main problems that affect the owners oily skin; due to the large accumulation of fat and impurities on the skin. There are many natural recipes for treating blackheads; better than resorting to paying huge amounts of money on cosmetic surgery centers.

Recipes normal to get rid of blackheads, oily skin:

• oats and almonds to treat blackheads:
Amount: The amount of oatmeal + almond grated
Method: Mix oatmeal with grated almonds to work mask and scrub for the face, and add to the mixture a little bit of water, then apply to the face and left to dry for 15 minutes, and while washing the face rubbed in a circular motion. And used this recipe 3 times weekly. It helps to get rid of blackheads in during the month.

• lemon and eggs for the treatment of blackheads:
Amount: The amount of lemon juice + egg white
Method: Mix ingredients well and placed on the face for 15 minutes, then rub the skin during washing, and use this recipe 3 times weekly.

• Secret White honey in the treatment of blackheads:
Ingredients: a tablespoon of honey

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