6 اشياء يحبها الرجل في المراة
Looking every man
For the perfect wife
Which share the rest of his life
And give it a sense of tenderness and love,
There are recipes
Do not give up her man never in his wife,
Learn about the most important of these qualities.
Most important qualities
Desired by a man in his wife
To take care of women
Beauty and femininity and her paper.
Not be many requests and selfish
Do not bother, but for herself and requests personal
Without being concerned with the physical condition of her husband
And keeps his money and his future.
To take care of her husband and his feelings
And provide him with tenderness and love and romance
And be beloved and friendly and silencers secrets.
That are always looking for mistakes
And trying to change and repair
To be the perfect wife.
Always be smiling
And far from the frequent complaint and bile
The man does not like the wife Alinkdah
Whatever it was beautiful.
Maintain their dignity
And away from the arrogance and vanity
And be simple and modest