
فضيحة مدوية لبرنامج Arab Idol بعد استبدال اسم فليسطين باسم اسرائيل

فضيحة مدوية لبرنامج Arab Idol 

بعد استبدال اسم فليسطين باسم اسرائيل

In a move that has outraged many people, the organizers of the program (Arab Idol) in its third edition, the name of Palestine to replace Israel on the map, which publishes its image during the episodes, states that the contestants had to choose.

This is caused, in an attack a large number of followers on the management of the program, and the channel (MBC), which exposed the silver screen, where some considered that what happened is a kind of normalization with Israel, and the denial of the State of Palestine Arab territories....

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