
طريقة جهنمية للنوم باسرع طريقة

طريقة جهنمية للنوم باسرع طريقة 

شاهد هذه الطريقة للتخلص من الارق والتفكير الزائد والنوم بسرعة 

Stand on one leg
He tried to stand on one leg for 30 seconds, the movement may be strange but useful, when focus your attention on keeping your balance, the brain also leaves all his duties aside, and focus on this movement and the result is that your mind more comfortable and relaxed and more serenity so when you lie in your bed Agbak drowsiness quickly.

Calcium intake
The researchers found that calcium works to relax the nervous system, and it helps you sleep at 50% and also makes you sleep soundly, so you must take a glass of warm milk before going to sleep, and if you do not like dairy products, try eating 1000 mg of calcium supplements an hour before deadline sleeping

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