
قصة صادمة لوفاة الفنان صلاح قابيل

قصة صادمة لوفاة الفنان صلاح قابيل 

Matther always controversy murder or tragic endings mysterious and draws the attention of those around them and Ttr many questions around and prevent access to clear answers, and when the victim is under the spotlight, and it differs turn to the issue of mysterious death and killed or remain

Stories suspicious death stuck in the minds of their loved ones and you have some of these stories director Niazi Mustafa was found dead in his apartment and there were several stories about him, and some said he was found dead in his apartment Ba more than they said he stabbed and hanged, but not with discounts with one

As for the artist Salah Cain buried alive a result of misdiagnosis him was alive Fa one people person coma and loss of consciousness on it's mouth and then was buried to open the tomb later and sitting cross-legged with his head in his hands after his failed attempt to open the tomb, which closed a huge stone accompanied move

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