
هل تعرف ما هي قصة هذا الرجل الذي يطوف حول الكعبة بثياب "السلطان سليمان"

هل تعرف ما هي قصة هذا الرجل الذي

 يطوف حول الكعبة بثياب "السلطان سليمان"

I've raised a very strange person wonder where he roams around the Kaaba clothes "Sultan Suleiman the" hero of the series Harem Sultan, leading to shock and wonder who they are in the Grand Mosque in Mecca.

This shows the odd person in the video on YouTube Almmnchor first Monday of walking and self-confident Mottagmassa personal dress worn, inadvertent haunted by looks deplorable that with each step a Ikhtoh. Did not publish the Saudi media news confirms or denies this recent incident, however, some commentators as likely to have this guy ailing psychologically similar to the man who appeared around the Kaaba smashes lanterns and then rushed security men arrested him directly.

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