
اكتشافات من العالم الخفي

اكتشافات واسرار من العالم الخفي

- Crying alone could push the consort of Aanadank and this may cause a rise in body temperature. "

- Spouse does not sleep, but wandering around the room where you sleep after sleep and may sign something deliberately to wake you up when bored. "

- Consort not cry only once in his life, which is when the owner dies slain. "

- If I had a fight Hjarkoa and with a violent and this person fell ill a day later, it may be because Qrenk who went to him and you revenge from him. "

- Be careful when a call after midnight because if I called and did not answer brings you from mankind could force one of the jinn back to you not only calls for one and you're sure. "

- When your heart begins to throb for no apparent reason, it means that the devil standing directly in front of you and staring at the eyes and the distance between the top of your nose, and his nose does not exceed a grain of sand. "

- Whistling sound in the ear is a demon trying to talk to you

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