فوائد الرمان على جسم الرجل والمراة
Pomegranate is a fruit is very rich in nutrients, which makes it very popular all over the world, the fruit originated in the northern regions of India, Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, although they also grow in Peninsular Malaysia, Southeast Asia, and California, and Armenia, and tropical Africa and others, this fruit has a leathery texture on the outside and on the inside containing granules encapsulate seeds and we are going to talk about the benefits of pomegranate in this fascinating subject.
Facts about the benefits of pomegranate
1 pomegranate very rich material (punicalagin) antioxidant and contains a quantity more than those found in green tea and cranberry juice.
2 pomegranate contains a large amount of vitamin (C) Each 100 ml contains 16% of daily needs.
3 It also contains high amounts of vitamin (K), which helps to support bone health and vitamin B5 which helps to metabolic processes in the body, protein, carbohydrates and fat.