قصة الطفل الذي تم انقاذه من الغرق فكانت ردة فعله لا تخطر على بال احد
Taking it alludes children struggling Wave in despair ..!
And painstakingly approached him .. and his heart meditates pray not preceded by a surge Thsdh die .. ..
When he arrived at the child came from behind and grabbed his clothes strongly
And dragging him to the beach in conflict with the waves .. ..
And finally dived on the sand in fatigue and chest rises and falls in the speed ..
Has felt a tingling sensation in the chest caused by his labor until he feared he would die .. ..
The child was away in disbelief .. Wo's daughters remained guy panting
Even bring together the same ..! .. And is only moments even hinted man
The tip of the eyes of the child who saved him and a woman with him was the same as Event
No doubt his mother had come to thank him .. and women already stopped and asked him:
Are you saved my baby ..?! .. He said to her in humility and joy: "Yes" ..
She said to him: So where time that was in his hand ..?!
When making the goodness of yourself to others .. your sincere intention to God ..
So do not remain hungry for others .. thanks! ..
To remain pure Srertk of grudges inferior
Hey folks, the shameful story of the good work that you and throw the sea Mtsnac Mkabbus