
اماكن الحبوب في الوجه لها دلائل معينة عن صحتك

 اماكن الحبوب في الوجه لها دلائل معينة عن صحتك

Zone 1.3:
This area will give you a message there is a problem in the small intestine, bladder, and you have to Ttehrhma so frequently drink water and green tea, and improve your diet by avoiding a lot of sugar and processed foods.
- How to deal with acne on your own
2, a region between the eyebrows:
This area specializes in the liver, so the change is in the color of the skin or the appearance of grain in this region frequently gives you a warning message to the attention of the liver scans and attention to the quality of your food.
Zone 5 and 9 cheeks:
Linked to respiratory area cheeks, if you smoke, you will find change in this region can also indicate the presence of cold and flu, or asthma.
7 nasal region:
This is the area related to your heart, you'll get your blood pressure checked and cut a little bit of meat and sodium.
Areas 6, 8 and 10, around the eyes and ears:
Related to the kidney so you'll get more fluid in your system, and the reduction of caffeine.

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