
تفاصيل صادمة يرويها الرجل الذي أخفى صدام حسين

تفاصيل صادمة يرويها الرجل الذي أخفى صدام حسين 


He says - and his eyes Temtlian proud - "I am who dug his hole", known to the world as the "spider hole", which was a small room under the ground at a farm where Namik American forces found Saddam Hussein in December 13, 2003.

Namik rarely speaks and his brother Qais publicly about the way that helped them hide in the most wanted fugitives in the world for nearly 9 months in the wake of the invasion the United States. But now sipping tea in the restaurant, which opened this modest summer, which is not far from the "pit", ready to tell the story.

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