
صخرة علقت بشكل مدهش


صخرة ضخمة معلقة بشكل غريب

 تثير اكثر من علامة استفهام عن الطريقة التي علقت بها 

This sculptural work of the late artist Abbas Shaban and won the award for this work 
Cairo Biennale and a copy of it in the garden of Gezira Art Center and the Cairo airport 

High Rock .. 
On the grounds that the cord only view and reality 
Iron and steel Rock of light material Kalplacetk 
But rock bottom Do you know why commented that rock like this?? 
How stands 
I studied the center of gravity in the mechanics .. Elly work as possible be relied on laws of mechanics 
Vachrin game old bird Elly Fard his wing and I think based on its beak

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