
سعيد صالح في ذمة الله

وفاة سعيد صالح اثرت في الجميع نظرا لتواضعه الشديد وبساطته

 وكذا اخلاقه العالية .. رحمه الله واليك اخر صورة للمرحوم رفقة ابنته

The late artist, who missed today's world Said Saleh, who has many works of art, which I love the Egyptian people and the Arab general who reached to more than 500 movies and 300 sketches and most famous School riotous performance as Marina Zanaty and the role of the Sultan in the play children grew up and artist Said Saleh of Molid July 31, 1938 and who died on August 1, 2014 at the age of 76 years and the floor, which was repeated always in any program or to meet with Egyptian cinema has produced 1500 film I am my share where more than a third and graduated artist Said Saleh, of the Faculty of Arts Cairo University and displays the artist Saeed Saleh for heart pain since 2005 after shortness of three Shrine and for this reason, which kept him out period for the completion of his artistic career, and today's offer will present pictures of the last moments of the artist Saeed Saleh with his daughter in hospital

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