
صور للجنازة التي اقيمت للراحل سعد صالح


76 سنة انتهت به حياة الفنان سعيد صالح رحمه الله .. نعم اليوم فقد العالم العربي ممثلا احببناه جميعا من خلال اعماله الكوميدية

صلاه الجنازة على الراحل

جثمان الراحل يخرج من المسجد

المشيعين فى طريقهم لتشيع الجثمان

المشيعين فى طريقهم لتشيع الجثمان

جثمان الراحل يصل المقابر

أثناء دفن جثمان الراحل فى قبره

زوجته وشقيقة زوجته بعد دفن الجثمان


أسرة الراحل بعد دفن الجثمان

In the scene funerary majestic funeral of thousands of people of the village Hungarian affiliate center Ashmun Menofia funeral of the late artist Said Saleh, after a long illness lasted for several years at the age of 76 years, after the deteriorated state of health of the artist recently was transferred to a hospital in Maadi Armed Forces and income in coma and did not wake them during the day but only once. 

The Saleh Ibrahim, son of the brother of the late artist that doctors confirmed that he was not supposed to leave the hospital the last period but insisted on completing his treatment at home, that is to go to the hospital periodically but with the deterioration of the situation had to be transferred immediately to the hospital. 

Saleh added that the artist was a permanent visit to the village and the last time he visited the village since 3 months was my sister's betrothal Nagwa Ibrahim added, "I was on a visit Adom permanent and you do offline permanently with him in his last days in hospital until yesterday." 

And attended the funeral Ngelth India and his second wife, which she insists on going with him until his burial cemeteries and family Cried Ngelth attendance after chant "God bless you, Daddy" and Ngelth confirmed that her father was a land of all of his relatives and was always urging them on the ties of kinship. 

It was the late artist has been subjected to an ulcer in the stomach and underwent a blood transfusion for anemia mid-face last May and remained in the hospital for nearly two weeks, during which visited many stars headed Nabila Obeid.

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