ظهرت الفنانة نيفين مندور بشكل مغاير عما كانت عليه شاهد الصور
"Faihaa wife Lamby" ... See how he became formed immediately after getting out of prison .....!!!! Do you remember the artist Nevin Mandour "Faihaa wife Lamby" ... See how it has become a form immediately after getting out of prison .. ...!!!!
Featured artist Nevin Mandour after a long absence for a very long time for the art scene and also from the eyes of the cameras because of the case, which operated the artistic as it is, the police arrest them red-handed in possession of 40 grams of heroin and nearly 100 grams of plant Banjo did not show since it emerged from this issue only in concert festival birthday boyfriend close Marwan Khayat and that was appearing her first since many have not seen since its inception starred Elly Bali alone which was aired on cinema screens in 2003 with the great artist Mohamed Saad, who has achieved great success at the time where the artist Mohamed Saad he obtained a large fan because of the role Lamby, who was the cause of his fame was the artist Nevin Mandour luck largest Ki appear with him in this film and play the role of the hero's second and appearance drew the attention of many viewers because of its beauty, but this beauty did not continue much as it looks now changed a lot and did not become as returning the audience to see them have hit the audience shocked when they saw these pictures after changing its shape and features of beauty and form in which it turned into a show you now