
أجور الفنانيين الخيالية في برنامج رامز قرش البحر


كم يتقاضى الشخصيات المعروفة التي تمر عبر برنامج رامز قرش البحر ؟ وتختلف 

هذه الاجور او التعويضات حسب كل شخصية واليكم التفاصيل

Occupied Lebanese singer Nawal Al Zoghbi ranked first among the artists paid fantastically estimated at 60 thousand dollars which is equivalent to 420 thousand pounds, actress Fifi Abdo arrived reward of 250 thousand pounds so occupied the second place, and then the media Qirdahi George, who arrived fare to 25 thousand dollars or the An estimated 175 thousand pounds, wage effects artist Hakim about the episode that has not been broadcast reached 50 thousand pounds.

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