
الممثل حسن حسني وزوجته ماجدة حميدة

صورة الممثل الكبير حسن حسني رفقة زوجته ماجدة حميدة 

We will provide you today forms a very magnificence combines great artist Hassan Hosny and his wife Magda Hamida The artist Hassan Hosny of the most artists comics who make a smile on our faces, and because it has a humorously infinitely and starred with more than a comedian such as artist Ahmed Helmi and the artist Mohammed Henedy and other giants comedy and because it adds to the role played by the Tofte his daughter some time ago and grieved strongly participated artist Hassan Yousef Ramiz Jalal in the movie cheats marital and acted as wonderful and he was able to fit the case of his son by his marriage to a woman to Aihbha and now we leave you with this distinctive image of the artist with his wife Hassan Hosny

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