بالفيديو والصور : رجلان يقومان بتجربة آلام الولادة
The oldest Mveaan Holndean to try to identify the reckless labor pains in preparation for their participation in a funny sketch on the TV screen by the Daily Mail
The two nurses Connect Dutch duo Dennis Storm and Valerio with Xena gives a sense of the real electric Balanaqbadat suffered by women during labor pains or what is known as having contractions, but they did not even begged Yatma two hours to remove these devices
This work was filmed and displayed on a TV screen in a program called (guinea pigs).
Both the Storm with Xena and expressed their desire in this experiment by much of what they heard that labor pain is the worst pain ever.
It is worth mentioning that the Storm and Xena are not the first to experience labor pains fought false, In 2009, Dr. Andrew Rochford from a similar experience to the Australian television program.