
قصة 3 اشخاص حكم عليهم بالاعدام

قصة 3 اشخاص حكم عليهم بالاعدام وذالك بالمقصلة

وقبل بدأ عملية اعدامهم تم طرح على كل واحد منهم هذه الاسئلة

It is said that three people were sentenced to death by guillotine, and they (the world of religion - a lawyer - a physicist) 
And at the moment of execution progress (religious scholar) and put his head under the guillotine, and asked him: (Is there a final word saying Todd?) 
He said (religious scholar): God ... God .. God will deliver me from it ... 
When it lowered the guillotine, the guillotine came down and when I got to the top of the world of religion stopped. 
People marveled, and said: freeing the world of religion, he said his God. He survived m high debt. 
The role of the lawyer to the guillotine .. 
And they asked him: Is there a final word Todd saying? 
He said: I do not know God as a scholar of religion, but I know more about justice, justice ..alaadalh ..alaadalh are 
Deliver me. 
The guillotine fell on top of a lawyer, and when I got to his head stopped .. 
Read the rest of the story here 

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