
فوائد ومنافع قشور الموز

فوائد ومنافع قشور الموز

Do not throw banana peels after ingested Alٱn 
...... Often be disposed of after a banana peel addressed, but which we do not know that the benefits of the crust too many! ... As among the scientists that banana peels her role in the ... 

God did not create anything but and have many benefits and every day we discover things we did not teach and show us the wisdom of the Creator Almighty even banana peel, which are often discarded after addressed discovered that have many benefits and great was equivalent to the benefits of the banana itself has more than interest with regard to the health of the face and the body in general 
(1) cosmetic scientists proved that banana peels have a large role cosmetically where if you Btahnha and Odhaa on the face helps in whitening and peeling skin and remove acne 
(2) work on a banana peel lengthening hair and increase its density 
(3) uses the peel ripe bananas in the treatment of headaches by placing it on the head for 15 minutes 
(4) uses a banana peel in the treatment of high blood pressure by boiled in water and drink this water 
(5) is used in the treatment of burns, rashes, heat and foot ulcers 
(6) used banana peel in polishing silverware and leather shoes 
(7) banana peel is used in the purification of water and get rid of all the toxins they contain, such as lead and copper

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