
فيديو مخاطر العادة السرية

فيديو مخاطر العادة السرية 

Of health symptoms associated with addiction to watching movies against the literature:

1 low level of concentration which weakens the memory, and makes the process of assimilation is very slow, and make a person more susceptible to the speed of forgetfulness There is no doubt that it reduces the productive capacity of the individual addict to watch such films. 

2 also cause insomnia films against the literature and lack of sleep, and Sirhan as a result of the permanent preoccupation of those films, in addition to the preoccupation of the mind with ideas far from reality or logic and reason. 

3-year fatigue and lethargy, laziness and the tendency of the unit and away from social activities and family. 

4 mental fatigue, which is usually accompanied by a nervous mood and irritability and feeling of arousal and a severe headache and repeatedly.

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