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Do you know what happens to a man if you eat stuffed grape leaves .... Hallelujah
According to recent studies, the grape leaves him countless benefits and no longer for the body, especially for men, and of these benefits is possible to mention: the increased activity of the liver and resistance Althabath stimulate blood circulation and regulate the work of the heart is useful for diabetics useful for patients with gout and rheumatism because it helps the body get rid of organic acids resulting from the intake of protein and fat prevents clots and anti-inflammatory and bacteria and toxins protects against HIV helps in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, dysentery and entrapment of urine and relieve pain excess relieves gingivitis and tooth soothing nominated and sinus infections helps in the treatment of cancer, where that material (resveratrol ) turn out to be an anti-cancer can destroy cancer cells, especially cancer of the intestine contains a compound Albraizveratol which is characterized by its ability to reduce hardening of the arteries and reduce the proportion of bad cholesterol are considerably less chance of developing heart disease
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