اغرب حالات الولادة التي شهدها العالم بأسرة
سيدة هندية تنجب 11 طفلا والذي شكل اندهاش جميع الاطباء
باقي التفاصيل :
And placed 11 Indian lady born in the case is the strangest thing of its kind in the world which did not raise dazzle a group of doctors and nursing staff at the hospital who they generate, but also raised dazzle the world.
And deliberated image mother with her children 11 via the Internet under the title of an Indian woman gives birth to an elected national fleet of 11 players are widespread amid dozens of comments.
The sources said that the Indian mother mentioned the case of a poor family has gone to a public hospital in the government of India to give birth and her husband is a factor in stores incense.
The sources were surprised team doctors because of the large size of the belly of the pregnant mother, including not commensurate with the length and size of the body, although the birth of this number of children raised eyebrows supervisors, nurses, doctors and hospital administration and all of the hospital so sick as it is becoming the hospital as a tourist attraction for those who want to watch the kids.
It is noteworthy that the largest number of children in the womb and one was 8 has Anchehrt because of one of the American women named own sons, eight have established a realistic program Realty T in Shaw on television and radio in the United States has snapped all aid and became Famous in America, either this figure 11 is a first of its kind. The image shows the mother of eleven children, all in the picture with the medical staff.