
خطير جدا العثور على جثة اسد في مصر

خطير جدا العثور على جثة اسد في مصر 

Officials revealed in Britain's Health, and the presence of the body of a lion in the refrigerator cooling in a restaurant near the preserved foods, which will be cooked for customers, and nauseating that his body was near the vegetables, and meat prepared for cooking for customers, has insisted the owner of the restaurant to a nearby park gave him a dead lion to feed for dogs, did not exist for the purpose of human consumption.

Has allowed the inspection department of the restaurant to complete his work, where not only recorded this violation of the laws of the Council, have discovered a manager of health protection in the province, "Chichester" West "Sussex" the body of the lion, has rejected the director of health naming the restaurant, or to locate the event, but said the incident as an example the unexpected things in food.

The health director said they had sometimes forced to close restaurants, or shops that proves they may pose a danger to consumers.

There are a lot of violations of the laws of food safety and consumers, and discovered in the Department of Health Inspection Council "Ealing" West London mice Machh in pizza boxes. The shop owner was fined in "Danganham" £ 6000 after the discovery of blood freezing in the refrigerator cooling dirty, also found mice droppings inside cans keeping bread. In the past year, the Chinese officials to reduce the degree of airline after they found 10 mice offspring under the seat to business class in an aircraft.

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